Impact of Ranking

Impact of ranking systems on HEIs and their stakeholders

Ranking affects HEIs and their stakeholders in a major way. Following are few ways in which HEIs are affected.


The credibility of an institution

The emergence of ranking systems has impacted the credibility of many institutions and senior management within these institutions.


Allocation of funding

Rankings influence national governments, particularly in the allocation of funding


Selection of HEIs by students

Many ranking researchers and university administrators agree that ranking systems affect students’ decision-making process in their choice of an HEI


Staff's decision-making process

They affect the staff’s decision-making process in selecting a higher education institution as an employer of choice.


Perception of the HEI

Rankings may affect the way the perception of the contribution the HEI makes to its neighborhood community, country, and increasingly the world in general. Increasingly, the community is asking the question — what can an HEI do for us?


Closing the quality loop

In closing the quality loop, ranking results are being used more and more as performance indicators, becoming part of an institution’s evaluation and monitoring processes. This, in turn, supports the development of systematic and practical action to effect improvement.