Our Solutioning
Hazon Technologies has a unique approach to solutions for clients. We provide heuristic support for the strategy of the HEIs. We value excellence and help create a road map for achieving it for your HEI. Hazon will be glad to be your partner for excellence in higher education Here is a peek into our solutioning approach as reflected in our NIRF services.
The Context
Higher Ranking and the right Accreditations are indispensable for any Higher Education Institution across India or globally as the education sector is increasingly getting competitive and global. They are the go-to metric for weighing the overall quality standards of your Institution by students, parents, employers, and government agencies.
India institutional rankings uses 16-18 parameters organized into five major groups to rank Institutions in the categories of Universities, Colleges, Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Law, Medical, Dental, and Architecture.
The Problem
The methodology used by the ranking agencies in specific, and accrediting bodies in general, warrants an exhaustive and lengthy process of collection, compilation, and curation of Institutional data to be presented in the data capture system of institutional ranking frameworks.
The Institutions should have awareness of all the parameters along with a clear understanding of how their data inputs to DCS will reflect in the final score.
This, currently, is the challenge that daunts HEIs where the in-house resources need to understand the complicated process and methodology for formulation of future Academic Strategy.
Our Offering
Hazon Technologies – the independent academic service provider backed by a team of experts from academia, research, and software professionals – has the expertise in:
Suggesting customized academic strategies for score improvement in Ranking processes
Recommending measures and methods for attaining higher grades in Accreditation processes
Offering support for the deployment of appropriate methods for quality enhancement in all academic aspects backed up by state-of-the-art technology
Window of Opportunity To Improve Your Rankings
Window of Opportunity To Improve Your Rankings
Hazon Technologies provides a robust platform for analysis of existing Institutional data to serve as a basis for the prediction and projection for score improvement to attain a better rank.